Electrolytic Nickel Sulfamate Plating:

The Nickel S process is designed to produce a low stress, semi-bright, ductile nickel deposit for electronics applications in rack/barrel and SBE plating equipment. The bath can be used with soluble or insoluble anodes. This process meets the requirements of Fed. Spec. QQ-N-290A, Class 1 and 2 (AMS 2403).

Features And Benfits:

  • Soft to hard deposits with good ductility.
  • Ductile deposits with controllable or tensile stress.
  • Ability to alter physical properties of the deposit for various uses.
  • Good corrosion resistance.
  • Good tolerance to impurities.
  • Ease of solution purification. Continuous filtration through activated carbon and continuous electrolytic purification are possible.
  • Stability over long periods of operation. 8. Controllable electrical resistivity of deposit